Transparent communication is our stock-in-trade and we don’t believe in ‘gotchas’.
Our pricing falls into three categories: initial charges, ongoing fees, and optional charges.
1. Initial Charges
This one-time fee covers setup, online training for your team, and system configuration in line
with your organization's rules, practices and preferences. We work with you to create a Settlement
Master Checklist customized for your practice, starting from our default template for your state:
| 1-5 Users: | | $3,000 |
| 6-10 Users: | | $5,000 |
| >10 Users: | | scales similarly |
2. Ongoing Fees
Annual fees are based on the type of user:
| Standard User: | $1,200 - $1,600 (based on number of users) |
| Notes User: | $600 |
| (Notes Users have read-only capabilities - they can't change case data - but they can create electronic post-it notes) |
3. Optional Charges
In addition to this basic fee structure, there are optional charges for specific services, including:
State probate forms. Probate forms generated pre-filled with your case data for any of the states that we curate (FL, MA, NY, or CT) are available from $700 per state per year.
Data upload. Uploading existing case data into EstateWorks typically incurs a one-time fee between $1,000 - $5,000. The cost is driven by how well-structured the data is and how much time it takes us to process.
Additional state settlement checklists (beyond the one used in your initial setup). Starting with our default template for the state in question, we work with you to create and upload your own version for a one-time fee of $1,000.
(Note: You can create as many additional planning checklists within the system as you like — free of charge.
Firms create checklists to cover many things that are not related to estate planning per se, such as real estate, entity creation, and divorce settlement.
You can also modify your master checklists as much as you need to once they are created.)
Customization. The standard version of EstateWorks is highly configurable to provide a variety of features that match the way most firms operate.
Sometimes people want more, and we are happy to try to accommodate, ranging from changing the appearance of the user interface
to creating non-standard reports. When you want to customize the platform, we will work with you to understand the underlying need,
explore the technical alternatives for delivery and produce a transparent statement of work.
(Note: We typically encourage new clients to delay specifying customizations until they have had a few months’ experience with EstateWorks:
a team’s priorities often evolve once they see how the technology takes care of things that were previously major headaches.)
Further Questions?
If you have any questions about pricing or any other aspect of EstateWorks and how we can help you improve the efficiency of you practice, please get in touch.
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